• The deadline for delivery of products varies from 12 to 35 working days after the supplier sends the goods to Brazil. You will receive the tracking code in the email registered with the purchase within 7 business days after processing your order.
  • As it is an international order, for tracking to be available on the Correios website, the product needs to be moved and for this reason, it takes about 5 to 10 business days to be able to view the tracking of the product. Our products are imported of the United States, Europe and Asia.
  • If your product is taking longer than the stipulated time, check the tracking code, if you do not know the tracking code, please contact us by email. It often happens that the product stays for a long time at Customs in Curitiba or Rio de Janeiro due to inspection by the Federal Revenue Service. They check all packages that enter Brazil, which generates a delay due to demand, which delays deliveries. But don't worry, your product will arrive at your house.